
World Humanitarian Day – 2024

The Cultural Economy of Soothsayers

World Humanitarian Day – 2024
Humanitarian Programs for Poverty Reduction World Humanitarian Day, observed on August 19th, is a day to honor efforts worldwide by committed individuals and humanitarian organizations

The Cultural Economy of Soothsayers
The mountainous people of northern Pakistan have evolved a distinctive culture over thousands of years that remain untouched by the allure of modernization and the

The Panjkora River, Its Ecological Significance
Originating from the heights of Kumrat, the Punjkora River flows 220 kilometers through the scenic Kumrat Valley, and districts Upper and Lower Dir, until it

World Water Day Article
Food waste has a significant impact on water resources, primarily through the wastage of the water used to produce the food that is eventually wasted.

The Food Waste Menace
800 million people are facing hunger globally. This is not because the world does not produce enough food, but because a large proportion of it

International Women’s Day
Every year on March 8th, people around the globe celebrate International Women’s Day in recognition of women rights and the ongoing fight for gender equality.