Sustainable Development (SDG) Program

Environment and Climate Action Program

Economic Growth Program

Historically, HF has worked in the Environment, Climate Change and Socio-economic development thematic approaches under the global Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).  In response to the changing context and new learning at global and national levels, HF has aligned  itself with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Foundation has thus named its core program as the Sustainable Development Program or The SDG Program. We aspire to share our learning and development expertise for the benefit of both national and international communities. Currently we work in collaboration with strategic partners for the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Climate Action Program (CAP) – SDG 13

The Climate Action Program (CAP) is one of the key development strategies of the Foundation. It is a relatively new program, established as an outcome of a strategic repositioning of the Foundation in 2016. Over the course of the past four years, it has emerged as the cornerstone of programmatic synergies at the Foundation, manifested by the resounding success of the Sustainable Methods and Resilient Technologies project or the SMaRT Approach. This Action Research initiative was conceptualized, implemented, and tailored by the Program since 2017. The CAP  has also ventured into sub-programmatic areas including Water, Renewable Energy, and Solid Waste Management.


This Program has played a fundamental role in linking with global and regional networks such as CANSA to bring about climate mitigation and adaptation solutions for the local communities. It has also forged strategic partnerships with academia and government authorities at sub-national and national levels. The Climate Action Program continually engages in awareness-raising and climate education programs with its youth volunteers.   It has championed several causes and implemented campaigns with different partners and helped to bring about positive change at local levels. The Program has pioneered Action Research that includes support grants to students enrolled in universities across the country.


Economic Growth Program (SDG – 8)

This program has evolved from the livelihoods and enterprise development interventions to  a mature and strategic program aligned with SDG 8 – Economic Growth and Decent Work. The objective of this program is three fold; at the micro level it aims to build capacities for local economic development; at meso level it aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem across the country; at macro level it aims to inform national SME and economic growth policies. Some of the key strategies currently employed by the program include:

  1. Cultural Economy – To secure Pakistan’s diverse cultural heritage and help generate revenue through cultural tourism, arts, traditional cuisine, unique cultural games and medicinal practices among others.
  2. Green Entrepreneurship – Promoting eco-friendly businesses and recycling of waste. This Initiative also introduces and promotes the concept of circular economy.
  3. Regenerative Agriculture – This action research initiative focuses on introducing commercial farming practices that enhance ecosystem services and support biosequestration among other things.
  4. Value Chain – These interventions build individual capacities and establish sustainable microbusinesses through value addition in sectors such as Honeybee Farming, Buckwheat Farming, Off-season vegetables, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants etc.


One of the central tenets of this program is women’s and youth economic empowerment. We worked with home based workers in urban centers as well as  with rural women entrepreneurs. Youth are trained, coached and mentored, helping them to establish startups either independently or in partnership. We also work in collaboration with the various provisional and national chambers of commerce to run Accelerators programs for the young entrepreneurs.


Thus, the EGP works in synergy with other Hashoo programs to incorporate knowledge based initiatives/activities for the achievement of its goals. To summarise, the key elements of this program are; promotion of local economies through creation of value chain development; promotion of local products; product innovation and technical training for sustainable enterprises; investing in social enterprise development and entrepreneurship development through competitions & engagement.